Friday, January 6, 2017


In my previous post I discussed mono-printing some small pieces of fabric and then stamping more design onto of them.

 I've been experimenting with capturing small felted pieces on canvas, with Liquitex Flow Medium.  The above photo shows what happened when I used one of the pieces of mono-printed fabric. 

There were several steps involved.  First of all, I had to paint the canvas background. I did that by mixing turquoise, blue, and gold paints into puddles of Liquitex Flow Medium and then pouring those puddles onto the canvas.

The important thing to remember,  as you pour the medium  onto the canvas, is to have the canvas perfectly level. The medium needs to flow evenly across, over and off of the canvas.

I supported my canvas on some small plastic bowls, placed on an acrylic sheet.  It's important that the canvas be perfectly level so the medium can flow evenly across the canvas. My canvas was on a perfectly level table

Once the paint had covered the canvas and started to set up ( this took about one hour in my studio), I placed the fabric onto the canvas.  I gently poked it down level into the medium. I made sure the edges were covered with the medium.  Two of the edges curled up and I left them that way.  I then left it to dry.

Here is what it looked like :

You can see where some of the paint has puddled onto the acrylic sheet on the table.  

After about two days of drying, I covered the whole piece in clear Flow Medium.  I then left it to dry for about another 3 days. It's critical that each layer has time to dry completely.

I then covered it with a third layer. As this layer was drying, I placed various mother of pearl shells into the medium.  Once everything was dry, the shells were permanently held into place. 

I am really loving the 3-D look this process creates. 

Create Always,


Thursday, January 5, 2017


 I have been playing with doing Mono-Printing using basic acrylic and metallic fabric paints. 

This is the first printing.  This base fabric is an 8" square piece of hand-dyed silk/linen fabric.

After the paint dried, I over stamped the whole thing.

There was still paint left on the acrylic sheet that I was using for the mono-printing, so I laid a piece of hand-dyed cotton on it.  Again, after it was dry, I overstamped it, but, this time I also hand painted in the purple dots.

I printed one more piece using a hand-painted piece of silk/cotton blend.  

Again I stamped this piece to give it more texture and interest. 


It was very interesting to see how the different fabrics took the paint and to see what happened with progressive printing on the same plate and without adding more paint.

What I ended up doing with the first and third pieces was very interesting and fun. I captured them on canvas, using paint and flow medium.  

More details coming later.

Creating Always,
