WELCOME to my Art Quilt studio located on our farm in Nonesuch, KY. 

I am an art quilter and fiber artist and advid gardener. 

I have had a love of gardening, quilts and fabric for as long as I can remember. My paternal grandmother lived in Overland, Mo and always had brightly colored scrap quilts on the beds
and lots of fresh vegetables from the garden, when my family would arrive from Gary, IN
for our annual summer visit. 

I finally got the chance to learn quilt-making, an art that has been uniquely dominated by
women, after my husband took a job with the University of Kentucky.  We moved to
Lexington with our two young sons in the fall of 1977.

 In the spring of 1978, I took several weeks of classes that taught traditional hand piecing and quilting. 
Those early lessons have led to 33 years of quilt-making. During that time my work has evolved from traditional to original designs that now involve many layers of technique. 

I now hand paint and hand dye many of the silk, cotton, bamboo and linen fabrics that are used in my art quilts and garments. 

Free motion machine quilting, along with  hand beading, hand and machine embroider, needle punching and other types of embellishments add more layers of interest and depth to each piece. 

 I am  a juried member, in fiber arts and beading, of the Sheltowee Artisans in Southeast KY.

I teach basic and advanced quilt-making techniques, surface beading and art quilt design classes throughout the state and beyond. I have taught at the AQS Show in Paducah, KY and at the  National Quilt Association Shows in Tennessee and California.

My husband and I now live on a small farm in Nonesuch, KY. My original art quilt and fabric designs are inspired by the beauty and fragility of the natural world with which I am surrounded  on the farm.  My passion for  gardening, especially with native plants and vegetables, the wildlife around us, and the gorgeous sunsets on our farm are all integral to my life as an artist and a woman. 

 I hope my work inspires others to find the artist within and let her out.