Monday, September 19, 2016


Well, the ECO-Printing experiment is still going on.

I took the pot out to the driveway this morning. Here's what the brew looked like before I pulled out the four bunches.  The brew was much darker than last night.

I put on some rubber gloves and began pulling the bunches out of the pot.  I laid three of them on a rack to dry in the sun. 

I unwrapped the fourth one and hung it on the line. Here is what it looked like.

It was pretty pale and dried even paler. 

I just checked the bunches and they are still pretty wet. What I did discover is that the darker parts of the plant dye are migrating to the tops of the folds.

I hope they dry completely tomorrow.  I am very excited about what might be happening.

There's no chance that this pressure cooker will ever be used again for food.  I put the gloves, pieces of iron and extra twine in the pot, placed it in the shop and left it ready for another session.

Looking forward to tomorrow and the big unwrapping!

Create Always,
