This is the end result of pulling out a piece that I started many years ago in a class.
This photo shows where I had left off with the piece. It's been quilted and has painted highlights both on the green silk and the canvas background.
You can see that there has been quite a change. Here are a few of the steps that happened along the way of creating the finished piece.
I was playing with antique buttons when I found the orange trim stashed in my trim drawer. I had already cut through the rectangles with a ribbon trim, that I enhanced with leaf beads. I had also added the turquoise beads. You can see the various trims and beads that I am auditioning for the rest of the piece.
The buttons are now on the sides and there is a green web like trim covering the edges of the the sides and top. An antique belt buckle is serving as a butterfly. Shell leaves are on the green rectangles. Birdnest buttons are placed around and pearl eggs have been placed in one of them.
Things got changed. You can see here how things got moved around. Lots more beads were added to the piece; leaves, and pearls for sure. An old pin of mine from the 1960's makes a nice leaf accent. There are also some bird buttons and more turquoise. Watercolor pencils were used to increase the depth of the quilting lines in the background.
I ended up mounting the piece on a 12"x 24" piece of canvas. I painted the canvas to compliment the piece, before I glued the piece to the canvas.
After applying the piece to the canvas, I then stamped on the fern and little circles.
Sometimes a project just has to be left alone to mature and be finished when the time is right. That's what happened here. I have put a lot of years of experience into finishing this piece.
It's been fun to pull out stuff from collections and to pull out techniques that have been used on other pieces and to put them all together.
Creating Always,
But if you do, know that it can be set aside until the spirit and the thoughts can be concentrated.