I designed this hand applique pattern several years ago. The flower was originally hand appliqued and embellished with embroidery, on a ( what was I thinking) a very boring, beige background.
I added on some borders and, that was the end of the story, or
so I thought at the time.
Here is the recently finished piece.
Here is the project as I was starting to make changes to it.
It occurred to me, that, trilliums come up in the woods through layers of old leaves and sticks and under bare trees, so, trees and sticks were added.
The trees are cut from brown dupioni silk that was backed with misty fuse. I just free-hand cut them out using a mini-rotary blade cutter and fused them into place on the background.
The old leaves and sticks were also cut out of a variety of fabrics that had Misty Fuse on the back of them. I could cut little pieces, again using the mini-rotary blade knife and layer them into place , until I had the right depth and balance. Then I fused everything down.
I free motion quilted the tree trunks with wavy, "barky" lines and the background the same way. The inner border was quilted with leafy vines. I filled in the leaves with a green Pitt Artist Pen. The pen ink is translucent, so, it just gives a very light impression of foliage while highlighting the quilting.
The dark brown outer border is quilted, in black, using a free motion rock pattern.
Using Pastel Crayons, I added highlights to the flower petals, the leaves and the tree trunks.
This photo is a "before " shot. Notice how flat everything looks.
I quilt the background with a variegated thread but it didn't add enough umph to it.
I had earlier, finished the inner border off with a satin stitch edge of variegated purple thread. The color was not a good match with the flower so I went over it with black thread.
Just enough of the original color shows through to carry the petal color out from the center of the quilt.
I added amber glass beads on the trees and ground.
A frosting of glittery ink is on the petals and the ground.
All finished ? Not quite.
highlights to the flower petals and leaves and the background.
The dark brown border was way, well....TOO DARK.
So, I went lightly over it with the gold Shiva Paint Stick.
The satin stitch is a built in decorative stitch on my machine.
Size: 11.5" x 15"
It's been fun taking these small projects and experimenting with a new techniques on them.
Be sure to watch for more postings about UFP's from the studio.
LOVE your work and revel in your CREATIVITY !
Until next time,